We have the best and the most famous luxurious Hotel/Guest house in #Taobat even in #NeelumValley,
As compared to other Hotels and Guest house we've everything #UNIQUE and professional so that rate may reflect our services but we promise that we never compromise on #SERVICES,
Normally Rates are below.
- > 1 Room with 2 Single bed, 4.5k/per night
- > Big room with 4 Foams, 5.5k/per night
> You may charge for extra Foam normally provided as a discount.
> Rates are not final you may get Discount on AdvanceBooking and vary with Seasons and as per traffic.
You may be get discount on #AdvanceBooking so think plan and book in advance, some time due to heavy rush so room are unavailable for Walk in Customers so this is perfect idea to Book in Advance.
For Booking Please Click here to Direct WhatsApp Chat if you don't hear from us so its requested to please leave a message or send a SMS at
+92-355-7055570, +92-344-7559973
Some time Mobile Service is unavailable in our area due to remote areas and difficult to maintenance in emergency. So SMS us so we back to you shortly when ever available.
Rooms are also Available for Walk in Customers but no guarantee we prefer our Advance Customers first....
Contact us at
- WhatsApp, +92-355-7055570
- Facebook, @TCGHouse
- Youtube, @TurFirAdventures
- Twitter, @SajidSarwar555
- WhatsApp, +92-344-7559973
- Instagram, @TurFirAdventures
- Google, Taobat Continental Hotel and Guest Hosue
- Email,